
designer of the month :: Simon Schubert

Who :: Simon Schubert

From :: Germany

Why I love :: Again, details at their finest. Check out his work with paper. All of the lines are done by folding and scouring. Nothing else. Amazing! And so unique.

...And I am oddly attracted to his eerily appealing sculptural work. (see bottom of post)

Favorite piece of the moment ::

{ "o.T." via http://www.simonschubert.de/papierarbeiten.html }

I love the preciseness. And there is even a chandelier in the scene!

Where to go (clickable) :: http://www.simonschubert.de/index.html

Favorite sculptural pieces... Super creepy, but I still love the element of illusion.

{ "Hannah" via http://www.simonschubert.de/skulpturen.html }

Something a little more practical....

{ "Kronleuchter" via http://www.simonschubert.de/skulpturen.html }

Look again. Yeah. They're arms.

1 comment:

  1. the sculptural piece is very remniscent of "the ring". super creepy, but interesting.


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