
Shopping Santee Alley

FINALLY ventured out to the LA Fashion District when my lovely friend Lauren came to visit a few weeks ago. 

It was life changing.

First of all, did everyone but me realize that said district is over 90 square blocks? Umm...what?! 

I know my friend, and I know she can get overwhelmed with too much stuff. I told her we should just check out Santee Alley and call it good. Wouldn't you know it, that I was the one feeling overwhelmed after an hour or two in this place! So much good-deal-goodness crammed into one little street.

AND I had an opportunity to barter, which was fun, because if you remember from a couple posts ago, I didn't barter at the Rose Bowl Flea Market.


So as not to overwhelm with photo overload, these are just the shopping photos. My next post will show off my [freaking awesome] finds.

Santee Alley reminded me of all the things I love about Canal St. in New York City. Oh how I love creepy alleys with sketchy foreigners selling me illegal goods. Hmm... is that PC to say?

I am already excited to go back!


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