
Who and why

hello, hello. I'm Claire. I'm a couple months away from graduating from Oregon State University with a Merchandising Management degree with an emphasis in Apparel and Sewn Product and a minor in Business Entrepreneurship. I have worked in retail for the last 5 years. I was married July 9, 2008, and planned the whole thing, and DIYed quite a bit. See some photos here. But don't forget to come back! I will be posting more photos from our wedding as I blog along here, to talk about how and why we did the things that we did, why it was so "us," and hopefully inspire others to figure out ways to make their weddings really "them." Because--those are just the best kind of weddings.

My vision for Backdrop is to be a place of style inspiration. As of right now, I don't want to focus on a single sector of style. I like too much of it. Selfish motive, I know.

Weddings: I've been married almost a year now (crazy!) and absolutely loved planning our wedding. And I am still obsessed with wedding style, all the love in the air, the photos, and all the personal, drool-worthy decor details. I love the endless combination of colors, moods, and stories that weddings tell. I love it when couples simply nail it. So hmm... I would love to help.

Disclaimer: Even though I've already had my wedding, I still find myself sitting in class with 4 browser tabs open to wedding blogs. I actually worry my friends that I was just in it for the wedding, and can't wait for my next one (okay, so they are half joking, and half just don't know me very well). But still. Confession: yes, I loved playing "wedding" when I was a little girl. My mom remembers me telling her I couldn't wait for my wedding, and that my favorite part would be when I walk in and everyone stands up and looks at me. True. But I really didn't go wedding crazy until i knew that I wanted to marry my husband. And after all the insanity of planning my own wedding, I realized that, dang. I love it. I survived it. And I can almost see myself doing that for a living. That said, I am totally and completely content with our wedding day. It was the absolute perfect day for us. There isn't a thing that I would change. I just love staring and daydreaming through all the other possibilities that are out there for other couples to make their day perfect too. Fair?

Interiors: The stuff I really dream about. Why? Oh, because I live in a white walled apartment. So I have several years ahead of me to dream through many combinations of dwelling bliss. Several years to nail down the absolute winners of the bunch. ...And then maybe a down payment will magically appear in our bank account. Oh, it doesn't work like that?

Clothes: I am a couple months away from graduating with degree in the fashion field (see above). I know my shat, k? And yes. I meant to say shat. I go crazy for the elements of fashion, but I also have a newfound appreciation for quality, now that I have all this knowledge about textiles and construction. Pretty sweet, not gonna lie.

Accessories: I love details, how can I not obsess about accessories? Everything from functional, silly, sentimental, hard edged, intricate, screaming, whimsical, to absolutely impractical. All. of. it.

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